Friday, September 25, 2020

Specials – P.E. with Coach & Art with Angela

Specialists are always special! In art, the children are exploring lines using several different mediums. 

In P.E., the children are exploring the space around them and reaching far and wide!

Community helpers are picking up apples while balancing on one foot! 

And then ... 


Thursday, September 17, 2020


This week, pre-k children explored dots in our environment, both natural and human-made, inspired by the story The Dot, by Peter H. Reynolds.  The children worked on small motor skills and spatial awareness by cutting and gluing dots to create ladybugs. The children were also introduced to Wassily Kandinsky, an artist who was known to hear colors, in art class with Ms. Angela. They experimented with watercolors and painting concentric dots. 

We stuck with our dots theme throughout the week, and the children explored what they could do with 30 dots. After discovering they each had 30 dots total, we explored how we could group them. We counted by ones, twos, and discovered we could count by threes,   

“We can not count by fours.” E

said. Yet we could create equal sets of fives and sixes! 

“I have two sets of 15!” HC 

                                                                        "I have six sets of five!" 

Racing to 25 with die and dots! 


                                                             Studying a world of shapes.                                             


Friday, September 11, 2020

Is it an Arachnid?

We put on our scientist hats today and started to think like zoologists! 

"Why do spiders have fur?" L 

That was one of the many questions and observations shared in our classroom today, when a visitor offered us the opportunity to observe and wonder. In pre-k, we jump at the opportunity to explore the world around us. 


"Why was it stuck on the paper? Was it holding on to the paper?"  C

"Why does he have bumpy things on his head?" E 

"I think they are beautiful." C

"I wonder if that was a tarantula."  H
"I think the fur keeps their legs warm." H
"How do they walk so fast?" H

"I think black widows can make you sick or die. I do not think that is a black widow." J

It was, of course, respectfully released outside. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Our First Two Weeks!


We use shapes, and other forms of mathematics, to help make sense of our world. Shapes define space and help us to make connections. We are exploring the attributes of solid figures: sphere, cube, cone, pyramid, rectangular prism, triangular prism, cylinder. We are also exploring lines and making connections. The children are creating and describing the shapes and looking for them in their surrounding environment – maybe they will spy a few at home! 

Geometry in spiderwebs! 

We are made of shapes! 


The Science Lab

It's not at all a playground, it's a science lab!  The children helped pull shotweed, purple dead nettles, dandelions, and Californi...