Monday, October 14, 2019

Fall Has Arrived!


We have been discovering the many changes that are occurring around is as we study Autumn/Fall. Learning about the changes in the tress, the weather, the animals and of course, pumpkins, pumpkins, and more pumpkins all around us. Exploring the stages of a pumpkins and picking them at Wild Hare Pumpkin Patch made this week quite exciting! After we arrived back at school our Mentors helped us measure, weigh, and see if our pumpkins could float. All in all, learning the many things about Fall has been great!

We've also been exploring, comparing and looking at the attributes of shapes, the number of sides, corners and how we can make new shapes by joining them together.

This Thursday, October 17th, is Special Person's Day and book fair, a great opportunity to share our learning community with someone close to us.

The Ladybugs are truly enjoying our daily activities and are quickly discovering the joys of learning with their new ladybug friends. The pictures below capture  a few moments in our classroom. Hope you enjoy them!



Friday, October 4, 2019


October is here!

The Ladybugs are transitioning from Apples to Pumpkins. Pumpkins will be our main focus for the month of October. The pumpkin patch is on October 11, and we will be implementing an imaginative pumpkin patch play center in our room as well. Pumpkins remain in our over arching theme of Harvest. 

We have been working on sorting, patterning, looking for like and dislike attributes and number recognition. 

The children have become quite interested in making books of their own. For right now most of them are doing the illustrations and dictating to us what they want the words to say. They are quite talented authors!

Also, in October is Special Persons day and a book fair. Please keep this on your calendar for October 17th, 10:30-12:00. There is an invitation in each child's Friday folder.
Along with that we do not have school on the 18th. 
Here are a few pictures of our hard and fun work this week!

The Science Lab

It's not at all a playground, it's a science lab!  The children helped pull shotweed, purple dead nettles, dandelions, and Californi...