Saturday, September 15, 2018

Dot Day!

We love Dot Day. . .
it involves lots of painting. . .
and fun activities.
Plus, we look really good in our shirts!

We've got this "a,b" pattern all figured out. 

Checking out the Seabury bus,
we did a safety drill,
learned about the safety lights,
and had our picture taken with our new bus driver.

Dot Day is based on a book by Peter Reynolds. The message of Dot Day is that anyone can be an artist, you just need to start and be brave. This book is perfect for Seabury where we put a lot of value on a growth mindset. In a school where things come easily to many of the children, it's important the children learn to persevere when things are new and maybe not quite so easy. This is a fun day to make that point and build community.  It's a win-win!

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