Friday, April 23, 2021

Earth Day

During the week of Earth Day, pre-k saved single-use items and discarded packaging from snacks and lunches, most of which still had plenty of food inside. As the collection grew, we discussed what we saw in the tub. There were many applesauce pouches, string cheese wrappers, and assorted types of chips and cracker bags. I asked the children, what can we do to make a difference in the amount of waste we create? “We could eat an apple instead.” What a great solution and it’s so easy and fast to pack! As well as being easy to pack and with no packaging, it’s one of the healthiest things you can eat. I asked the children to list other foods free of packaging: apples, pears, oranges, bananas, strawberries (we decided strawberries can be sent in a reusable container) offered a good start.

Some surprising discoveries: as I sifted through the garbage with the children, I discovered that most of the packaged food packages were more than half full, especially applesauce packs and other assorted pouches, as well as snack crackers and Pirate Booty.  So, along with producing less garbage, we could save money on foods that are not really being eaten. If a child doesn’t eat a whole apple, the only waste is an apple which will decompose and remain a purposeful part of our Earth.

It can all feel overwhelming; however, do you know what is super cool?! Every child in our classroom shared what they are already doing to help the Earth. They listed or showed their reusable water bottles, reusable lunchboxes, reusable containers, reusable/biodegradable straws, reusable napkins, and took turns holding up foods, like oranges, to show that they understand how easy it really is.  

We are doing great! And we can do even better! Every day is Earth Day! 

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