Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Senses

The 5 Senses

   The Ladybugs have been delving into the 5 Senses. The children have begun discovering how the   senses of smell and sight work. They can name certain parts and attributes of the nose and eye, and how our brain helps interpret what we smell and see. We've also explored how the nose helps with our sense of taste, and how our eyes can trick us with optical illusions.
    We'll be encouraging the Ladybugs to further explore how we use our senses in unexpected ways, what happens when someone loses one or more of their senses, how they adapt and how our 5 senses work together to interpret the world around us. 

   The Ladybugs have continued working with addition and counting by 1's, 5's and 10's, and are starting to journal what they see and hear. We're also discussing and recording what we're grateful for, and it's been fun seeing the children find gratitude in their daily life. This is a very busy time for everyone, but below are a few reminders of upcoming events:

November 26th: Thanksgiving Feast 1:30pm
November 27th-29th: Thanksgiving Break

December 5th: Field Trip to Seattle Children's Theatre 
December 12th: Field Trip to Tacoma Children's Museum
December 13th: Snowflake Breakfast  
December 18th: Early Release
December 19th-January 3rd: Winter Break

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