Saturday, November 9, 2019



I Think

Spiders have spinnerets.
A type of spider has golden webbing.
Some are poisonous.
Tarantulas have really big webbing.
Some spiders don’t eat flies.
Spider land is near Mara Vista Park.
Some make white webs.
Sometimes spiders do gold and white webs mixed together.
Some spiders have gold rings around its legs.
They can trap from underground.
Some spiders eat butterflies.
Some are really, really, really small.
Some spiders spin a web, some do not.
Webs come in a lot of colors.

I Wonder

If they can fly from their spinnerets.
If spiders come in different colors.
Are there blue spiders?
Do spiders eat leaves?
If spiders have dots.
What do spiders like to eat?
Where can spiders live?
What shapes do spiders come in, can there be a leaf-shaped spider?
Would a spider eat another spider?
Are some spiders poisonous?
Can they make sound?
Do they make a high or low-pitched sound?
Do spiders metamorphose?
Is there a spider shaped like candy corn?

         I Discovered

Sea spiders are not spiders and that their legs help them breath.
Some people are afraid of spiders.
Goliath Bird Eating spider lives in South America.
Tarantulas don’t make webs.
Black Widows don’t live in Antarctica.
Golden Hunters eats insects and is one of the larger spiders.
Black Widow spiders don’t make their webs perfect.
Some people keep spiders as pets.
Diving Bell Spider eat in their bells.
The eggs stay in their diving bell.
The spider puts babies in their bubbles.
When prey comes to the Trap Door Spider, they get them.
Spiders run away to protect themselves.
When a Diving Bell Spider eats under water, the venom gets diluted. They eat their prey inside their bell.

   The Ladybugs have been discovering many things about spiders. We have been learning about the habitats of spiders, their life-cycle, the many types of spiders, and how and what they eat. Our journey through this exploration helped us discover the parts of a spider, how they capture and eat their prey, and how spiders are different from each other. The students' curiosity had us searching together for answers to the questions they posed.

   We have also been working on number identification, number sequencing and what comes before or after a number, counting by 1's, 5's and 10's, and comparing 2-dimensional to 3-dimensional shapes. The Ladybugs have also enjoyed learning to make words with the letter sounds we have been learning, and have even started writing some of their own words!

   It was great seeing everyone at the conferences this week and we really enjoyed discussing the progress we've seen in your children over these past 44 days. Thank you so much for your time and effort to meet with us. 

A few dates to know this month:
Nov. 11th    No School - Veteran's Day
Nov. 12th    No School - In-service Day
Nov. 13th    Picture retakes
Nov. 26th    Thanksgiving Feast at Seabury 1:30pm
Nov. 27-29  No School - Thanksgiving Break

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